Residential customers’ interest in energy-related products and services

Utilities have been experiencing flat or declining revenue in recent years due to increased customer adoption of energy-efficiency measures, a decline in natural gas prices, and a flattening of electricity prices. The 2017 E Source Residential Utility Customer Survey, our annual survey of residential utility customers across the US and Canada, revealed US customers’ interest in specific energy-related products and services and how they prefer to communicate with their utility about these offerings.

Customers Believe Rooftop Solar Is Cheapest, but an Educational Nudge Could Change Their Minds

Download  Customers Believe Rooftop Solar Is Cheapest, but an Educational Nudge Could Change Their Minds (PDF)

In this e-book, we cover best practices for approaching customers’ solar education. We don’t recommend trying to dissuade customers from supporting rooftop solar; rather, we suggest providing information on the different costs of solar projects.

The content below contains hyperlinks. To follow the links, download the PDF.

Solar rates: What do residential utility customers think?

E Source conducted a major market research study in 2015 on US and Canadian residential customer attitudes on utility pricing options, including those related to solar. Check out this infographic to view some of the results, and for more information, visit the E Source Innovative Residential Rate Design and Pricing: Customer Preferences and Acceptance study landing page.


How can utilities build trust with SMB customers?

Q:How can utilities successfully engage and build trust with small and midsize business (SMB) customers?

A:Getting SMB customers to participate in energy-efficiency programs is difficult, and although there isn’t a proven formula to engage these customers, we have information and examples to guide you in developing a cohesive and comprehensive strategy.

In this Ask E Source answer, we:

E Source Utility Ad Awards Contest submission terms

By participating in the 2022 E Source Utility Ad Awards Contest (as defined below) or otherwise submitting any print advertisements, ad copy, photographs, artwork, videos, commercials, or other materials (“Content”) through its contest Website located at (the “Site”), you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement as follows.

SCE’s three C’s of smart thermostat program success

In 2013, Southern California Edison (SCE) and Southern California Gas Co. partnered with Nest and EnergyHub to launch a smart thermostat demand-response (DR) pilot with about 3,000 customers. The goal of the program—called Save Power Day Incentive Plus—was to use smart thermostats to optimize energy efficiency and DR with customers’ HVAC systems.

Educating US customers about the benefits of HEM

Our research shows that 60% of US customers say they’re familiar with home energy management (HEM) technologies, but few have actually purchased an HEM system. There’s an opportunity, then, for you to educate customers who are interested in HEM on the potential benefits of the smart home, including the ability to monitor and reduce their energy use. Check out this infographic to learn which customers to target and how to reach them.

E Source Forum sponsor and exhibit opportunities

The E Source Forum is the premier conference for utility professionals. Our focus on program design and implementation, marketing and communications, customer experience, and energy-efficient technologies keeps you current on trends, best practices, and critical issues facing your customers.