Pricing Options (Mobile)
iPhone X
Navigation rating
First I Googled the utility, then I clicked on the utility website, then I clicked on the three lines in the upper right corner to find a menu to start with. It took a few clicks to find because I wasn't sure where to find it. I tried "My Account" first, then "Your Service" and then found the list of options to click for more. I clicked "Rates and Pricing" and expected to see information there. But then I had to click the "That's me" button under the "Residential Member" heading. Once there, I had to scroll down to find the rate breakdown, which was after the billing options section. Below billing options and the rate breakdown, there was a link to learn more about a time-of-use rate that says you pay for electricity based on when you use it. However, you can't enroll online. Once I scrolled all the way to the bottom, I found the phone number to call to enroll. I also found links to learn more about getting power from renewable resources. It took several more links to get to a page where there was a guide on how to sign up for the renewable energy rider. It was easier to figure out how to sign up for interconnection or community solar.
Functionality rating
It wasn't entirely intuitive to start with "Your Service" to find rates, but once I found that it was a bit more intuitive. I expected to see the rates and pricing information there, but instead I first had to identify myself as a "Residential Member" by clicking a "That's me" button instead of just clicking on "Residential Member." Once I clicked through, I was presented with "Billing options" before the rate information, but I would have thought that information would be under "Billing" or something like that. All of the links and menus I encountered on the site seemed to work as they should. However, it wasn't clear how to actually sign up for the time-of-use rate. It seemed challenging to sign up for some of the renewable options as well.
Appearance rating
This page had a nice balance of text and color. The look and feel of the page was simple, fairly organized, and pleasing to the eye. It was also mobile friendly, which made it an enjoyable experience.
Relevance rating
I liked the friendly tone and language used and the focus on saving money. I would like to be able to click on the items in the rate breakdown to get a definition or explanation of what some of those things are and why they're included costs. While I don't know what time-of-use is, I liked that there were links to learn more. I also liked that there were links to learn more about getting power from renewable resources. However, I didn't really understand what "Renewable energy rider" or "System interconnection" meant. More user-friendly language would be helpful there. Once I clicked to learn more there was a wealth of information to read through about each one. While interesting, it as a bit overwhelming and I didn't understand everything. I did like the billing options information, even though I wasn't expecting them to be at the top of the page after clicking on "rates and pricing." I would've expected that information in the billing and payments section I saw earlier.
You are curious to know what the current utility rate (price per unit of energy) is and you want to find out whether there are other pricing options or rates available to you. Attempt this via a mobile device.