Unlocking the Next Generation of Residential DSM Programs

As lighting baselines rise and LED markets transform, program managers are looking for innovative ways to fill the savings gap. So what does the next generation of residential demand-side management (DSM) programs look like?

For three days in mid-June, a small group of our utility members—program managers from utilities across North America—met at the E Source headquarters in Boulder, Colorado, to discuss this pressing question. Our workshop members collaborated on topics from cutting-edge technologies to behavioral strategies in an effort to learn how to maintain high savings and program cost-effectiveness in a shifting DSM landscape.

We first asked attendees to enter the top programs, technologies, and strategies they’re exploring or have implemented to help maintain cost-effective electric or gas savings, and then formed the answers into a word cloud to highlight the top answers. The results were enlightening.

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We then polled our attendees on some of the biggest challenges they face in redesigning their programs to achieve additional savings.

Poll 1: Residential savings targets

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Poll 2: Residential LED savings

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Poll 3: Removal of LEDs from incentive programs

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For access to more of the ideas generated during the workshop, watch the recording of the Redesigning Your Residential Portfolio: Highlights from the 2019 E Source Next-Gen Residential DSM Workshop web conference, held on Tuesday, August 13.

Watch the recording

Amy Schmidt Behavioral programs Demand-response (DR) programs Demand-side management (DSM) Low- or moderate-income customers Multifamily residences Savings Single-family residences