
Dawn Arnold focuses primarily on the company’s Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) account. Dawn has almost 30 years of experience in the utility industry. She delivers E Source products and provides account management to TVA, 154 local power companies, state energy offices, and organizations within the TVA seven-state service area. She is responsible for developing and maintaining the relationships with these customers and develops and implements strategic plans focusing on engagement, sales, customer service, and business-line feedback. Dawn retired from TVA after 23 years of service. During that time, she was the general manager for the customer service delivery team, whose responsibility it was to introduce TVA’s energy-efficiency and demand-response programs to local power companies and end-use customers. She also has a background in IT and contributed her skills to TVA’s IT organization. Dawn holds a BS in computer science with minor emphases in mathematics and aerospace science from Middle Tennessee State University.

Dawn Arnold
Key account director, Sales Support and Engagement