Cameron Brooks is president of Tolerable Planet Enterprises, a strategic consulting firm focused on the intersection of energy market design, clean energy innovation, and consumer technologies. Tolerable Planet works with companies, advocates, and investors with a unique combination of regulatory engagement, business development, and policy advocacy. The company manages E9 Insight, a specialized database that tracks priority proceedings at regulatory commissions across the US. Cameron is a seasoned executive whose career includes senior positions in smart grid, clean energy, finance, and project development firms and nonprofits. As vice president of policy for Tendril, he was a leader in advancing open data policies before the US Congress, Department of Energy, White House, Federal Communications Commission, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and both federal and state agencies. Previously, Cameron structured development partnerships for renewable energy credits and carbon offsets at Renewable Choice Energy and led public and private investment outreach programs for the Clean Energy States Alliance. His earlier experience spans a wide range of environmental, green building, and adventure and environmental media roles. Cameron is a graduate of Yale University and holds an MBA from Cornell University.